Mindful eating and dieting are antithetical

Alice Rosen, LMHC, MSEd
Alice J. Rosen, MSEd, LMHC, is the founder of "The No-Diet and Self-Led Eating Workshops" and "The Conscious Cafe”. She is a faculty member of the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy, former Director of Education for "Feeding Ourselves (SM), former board member of The Center for Mindful Eating and presently on the advisory council. She is all-level-trained, in Internal Family Systems since 2004 and has been a long-time student of meditation.
Her work is rooted in Mindfulness, and informed by ‘non-diet’, 'Intuitive Eating’, ‘Health at Every Size’, ‘weight-neutral’, and ‘body compassionate’ teachings.
Alice works as a counselor and educator specializing in eating and body image issues, but also addresses more general issues such as anxiety, mood disorders, life transitions, and chronic pain/stress. Her private practice, which spans over thirty years, is located in Concord, MA.
The Feeding Ourselves Method digital audio program (previously on CD)
The Feeding Ourselves program offers teachings — expanded and adapted for daily living — that provide a step-by step, comprehensive process, organized into bite-sized, digestible sections. It was created to help people respond more appropriately to emotional triggers and exercise the principles of mindful eating as an avenue to nourishing oneself while staying attuned to true bodily needs.
Originally a four-CD set, this digital audio program is designed to be used over and over as a daily exercise. The program addresses the isolation that many who struggle with food and weight experience.
"The Feeding Yourself method is just perfect for both therapists and patients. It is a revolutionary, yet elegant and simple approach for anyone with eating issues." — Helen Krell, M.D., Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry, U.C. Davis Medical School
By gently applying the wedge of awareness, it can serve to open the way to gradual change or to disruption of impulsive behaviors. Figure out what is triggering your desire to eat in an uncontrolled way and choose whether that is what you really want or need.